Mahamudra - Meet your mind

This an experiential course based on an ancient text entitled, The Light of Crystal Clarity by the First Panchen Lama. The focus will be how to reach levels of meditation that will open your eyes to the nature of the mind. Without reaching meditative stillness a profound potential is beyond our reach. So we will discuss ways to get to stillness, it’s importance, and how to work towards this goal daily.

This will be presented by Lisette Garcia. Lisette has a Ph.D. in Psychology from Tufts University. She lived in NYC for 10 years where she worked as a professor while she deepened her Buddhist studies. Now with 12 years of meditative practice and a three year retreat under her belt she returns to us with a little more personal experience and a lot more confidence that these ancient practices still apply to us here today.


The Three Jewels

Time: 7:30 -9:30 PM

Tues. and Wed. Oct. 21 & 22

Saturday Retreat

9:00am - 5:00PM


61 4th Ave, New York, NY 10003 (212) 475-6650

Oct. 25th 9-10 light yoga 10-10:30 lecture 10:45- 12:30 meditations lunch 1:30 -2 lecture 2:00 -3:30 meditations Individual meetings