Gabriel Woodhouse
Meditation Teacher
Pronouns: He/him, his but also welcome all other interpretations
Trainings: 3J Meditation Teacher Training in 2017; 3J 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training in 2019
Three Jewels describes his class as:
Yoga Music:Rhythmic and worldly
Hometown: New York City
Birthday/ Astro: Capricorn
Why Yoga/ Meditation/ Buddhism? Because, as Alan Watts says, the only Zen you will find on the top of the mountain is what you bring there with you.
Favorite place on earth: Gazing up at the infinite tapestry of the stars.
When Im not at Three Jewels, I'm: Hiking, camping or frolicking in nature or maybe enjoying some live music.
Hidden Talent: Gourmet cooking
Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate and caffeine
Pet Peeve: Excessive traffic
Favorite Book: Toni Morrison's Beloved
Favorite Musician: Miles Davis
Favorite TV Show: Game of Thrones
Who, or what, was your biggest teacher: B. Alan Wallace