Kelly Magee
Meditation Teacher
Pronouns: She/Her
Trainings: Three Jewels’ 200 Hour Meditation Teacher Training in 2019. Three Jewels’ Meditation Mentorship 2020.
Her mentor said: “Kelly is very grounded, practical and traditional. Her own practice and experience shines through when she is guiding, she isn't making anything up. She is able to share what she has internalized in a way that peaks the curiosity of her students to strive for similar realizations.”
Hometown: Harvard, MA
Birthday/ Astro: Pisces through and through.
Why Yoga/ Meditation/ Buddhism? Simply, it makes my life better.
Favorite place on earth: Lake houses
When I’m not at Three Jewels, Im at: in my studio apartment with my cat or wandering the streets of NYC.
Guilty Pleasure: Reality TV
Pet Peeve: When people use the word "literally" incorrectly (as in, "I literally died", no you didn't), when people leave cupboards or drawers open (why???!!).
Favorite Book: Autobiography of Malcolm X