ACI 17: The Great Ideas of Buddhism Pt. 2
ACI, Blog, DharmaThree Jewels NYCbuddha, buddhism, compassion, dharma, emptiness, event, karma, spirituality, tibetan, wisdom
The Principle Teachings of Buddhism | Mondays 8pm
ACI, Blog, Dharma, Events, FeaturedThree Jewels NYCaci, asian classics institute, bodhichitta, buddha, buddhism, dharma, emptiness, karma, meditation, philosophy, reality, sangha, tibet, tibetan
Mindfullness Meditation and 3 Paths to Happiness
Blog, DharmaThree Jewels NYCbuddha, buddhism, deep meditation, dharma, meditation, mindfulness, spirituality, tibetan, tibetan buddhism
Medicine Buddha Empowerment
DharmaThree Jewels NYCart, buddha, buddhism, dharma, empowerment, event, medicine, meditation, monk, monks, spirituality, tibetan
Conversations about Completing a Great Retreat with Venerable Chunzom